Saturday 19 October 2013

one:one workshop next week

The specifics of Eva's workshop for next week are available below. click on images to enlarge and print out your own copy. Start: Monday 21.10 at 9:00 in studio space.

Remember also to notice/read the two new blogsposts under this post. 

Regarding link(s) mentioned during crits

«ATLAS» is the ongoing, encyclopedic work by artist Gerhard Richter that was mentioned by Thomas and Kalle during the presentation. The work is composed of approximately 4,000 photographs, reproductions or cut-out details of photographs and illustrations, grouped together on approximately 600 separate panels. The images closely parallel, year by year, the subjects of Richter's paintings, revealing the orderly but open-ended analysis central to his art.

You can access the works on Richter's immense and encyclopedic web-site HERE

Regarding stop-motion recordings: the web site of EMBT architects was mentioned. View it by cliking HERE

Post pin-up and presentation


Thank you for the well executed pin-up(s) and the presentations. It was both inspiring and instructive listening to all your Sandviken texts and re-figuring out the architectural material(s).

Images from the pin-up in the whitebox on Thursday (click) HERE and from the presentations on Friday HERE.

Some reminder of themes/topics discussed during the presentations:

A/  what does constitute ugliness; how to capture it
B/  how to delineate zone(s)
C/  how to capture conditions of water
D/ remember to include all possible historic conditions
E/ catalogue and classify your stuff
F/ make series with scientific rigor (or pataphysic logic)
G/ produce, produce, produce

It was great to experience the small pocket Sandviken models. Try to constantly make more of those (zoom evtually in -or out ) and be aware of the scale(s) and check the topography  while in Sandviken.

Re-pin_up in studio and place green booklets and model(s) appropriately as to have the material visible (and re-shuffle) at all times (remember to have the studio space ready for when the students from Münster architecture school MSA come  on the 28th.)

Material from now on : green folders and material used from groups is COLLECTIVE. You can re-shuffle copys of it in your own black folders (buy some more) where you would accumulate your architectural material(s) from now on.

Re: individual embedded locations: more on the topic after the one:one workshop with Eva.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Phase One presentation, friday 18.10.13

Presentations start at 9:30  (!) sharp, in white-box

By 9:15 ALL material to be pinned up, space cleared, 3-4 tables in middle for models and green booklets, adequate chairs for 35 persons. lights checked, (as kjeld-vidar) best to start pin up thursday afternoon in whitebox

The following is expected:

GROUP presentations:

Group material on wall: keep same top and bottom for all material, ca. same m2 for each group. one wall area reserved for individual "spaces" (see location on blackboard in studio) , pinned up same way as group work. (copy as booklet)

ALL materials to be present in original and copy. (applies from now on)

Each group's member to prepare 100 word text (norwegian or english) describing the Sandviken site + very short info on group material exhibited.  text(s) to be read individually, (5m each) with comments and discussions to follow after all members are finished.

Time allotment: 40 minutes per group max.  > including comments on group work and individual recommendations.

Individual space presentations:
(individual space material will only be noticed, not debated- so expect to view material wordless)
 Max 6 A4 sheets, containing:
- text (title, subtitle, 100 word)  one page 
- plan(s) 1:500 /1:200
- wireframe aksonometric
- photos (one max two per page)

text and all material to be matter-of-fact, characterising the space/place.
collect material evt. in small booklet.

Guests at presentation: Eli Goldstein, Kalle Grude, Eva Kun

We expect all to be present at presentations latest til 16:30.
Expect to have some time to pin-down from white box and pin.up gain in studio. (important)

On the nature of architectural material(s)

Keep up the workflow(s), yet keep it sharp and ambiguous: do not dwell on the production of romantic images that depict, but manufacture more representations that assess the site architecturally; get out what you can from the digital sources. (consider them as data, not images to be re-drawn- print. Use Bing more precisely (N,S, E and West) or: go out to the site take more pictures.
That implies that some work should be done in manufacturing material, conveying the following: precise plan(s), section(s) and elevation(s) wireframe axonometrics of all sides of the Sandviken site can be done as either free hand drawing(s), on scale with straight edge/ rulers, cut-out photo collages, etc., (on scale 1:1000, 1:500 and evt. 1:200 or other scale(s), just note),  along with the more subjective work(s).

Here are some images from this morning and some of the work(s) on the walls. (we missed all of you that where not present, though) Thomas and Cristian will be in the studio the rest of today and tomorow. 

More on what is expected for friday and pin-up requirements in next blog post later today.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

On transcripts (and Sandviken translations)

"The Manhattan Transcripts " did introduce quite different and oblique architectural re-presentations. Here is a link to the book, for further studies. Question: How would your transcription(s) of Sandviken appear ? Do try out some possibilities for the presentations on friday. Remember: do produce work, allow for "failures" and "mistakes". Some of those would still be valuable material.