Saturday 16 November 2013

Post-midt_term presentations

Thank you for participation at the midt-term presentations. Images from the day on dropboxlink HERE and schedule for presentations below. More on next week's work on blogpost tomorow; Expect more or less continuous work activity the next 3 weeks. Thomas is attending the presentations of the MSA students in Münster Tuesday next week..

Sunday 10 November 2013

Brief for next week

Brief for next week below. Enjoy.

Some quotes while waiting for the brief


"Some architects see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not." —George Bernard Shaw
"The aspects of a thing that are most important to us are hidden to us because of their simplicity and familiarity." —Ludwig Wittgenstein
" The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift" _Albert Einstein

"The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees one's self. And the arbitrariness of the constraint serves only to obtain precision of execution." Igor Stravinsky

PS: see some movies by Jim Jarmusch : ie: try " Down by Law" or "Mystery Train" or Stranger than Paradise" 

This week, until the midway-presentations:

Thank you for showing your work(s) on thursday and friday at the informal group desk crits. Fine moments of inspiration(s) and openings for Open Form debates, on a multitute of topics.

Undoubtablely, all of you would have noticed the following:

1/     the more work there was to see, the more there was to talk about
2/     the more there was order in the material(s), the more free the inspiration(s) to take a walk on wild side(s)
3/     the more there was repetition(s), the more one could discern pattern(s) and possible translation(s)
4/    the more there was apparent "meaning(s)", the more one could discern closed cliché patterns
5/     the more the was to "wonder" about something, the more possible "meanings" could be explored openly
6/    fill in your own observation(s) here….

This brings us to this weeks work: (for each individually)

On top of collecting ALL your material(s)  [ you might as well produce some (much) more, please] , use some time to order the material(s) in appropriate plastic chatecs (Per Jansson had apparently found a fine one, albeit more expensive. Ask him were to buy it) Just collecting the material in black paper will NOT do. (reason: the plastic chatecs keep the work more dynamic, and thus open to re-shuffling). Keep the duplicates from group work in the green covers

For the midway crits on Friday , you are free to produce the following (personal) architectural material:

Comming up in next post :-)  > in the mean time,  here and here are some inspiration links...