Friday 11 October 2013

Re: model and other delineations

Regarding the model: as discussed on wednesday, the model will consist of 5 parts, to form the whole of Sandviken's waterfront. 

The parts will not be complete, as they are to function as (fine) working model(s), to be augmented/adjusted during the next weeks. For the presentation next friday, the models should consist of a bottom plate of plywood (6mm) with added houses/buildings of handcut-out blue styrofoam, renderes with plaster so that they be white ; for those who would like to try, make some samples of buildings/houses in as plaster casts.

The plywood base sould NOT (yet) be covered. The topography (and most of the height differences) will be dealt with the next weeks, according to consensus on what materials to use)

The first image above, delineates the area for the urban assignment for this semester, to be continuoulsy described via various architectural material... >  Sections and elevations in various scales are very welcome.

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