Friday 29 November 2013

Keep on (producing)

Thank you for having cleared up the studio space. Keep the work flowing, and remember to pin-up (and re-pin-up) frequently, so as to have an a live environment for creative thinking that also is inclusive for new thoughts and inspirations from fellow students.
Here is a link to some picts from thursday.

Keep the workflow alive and concentrate on each of your individual competencies, meaning that you should not use the last part of the course to (also) learn new skills. Hone the skills you are good at, and combine with simple tools, so that you always have the fastest way(s) to produce. Otherwise, share your knowledge(s), and keep informed of fellow students work(s).

Thomas is back on Monday. If there is enough interest (also ask students from other floors) there might be a recap of the onetoone lecture on Tuesday over lunch time. (takes about 1,5 h).

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