Monday 4 November 2013

Post MSA_BAS workshop / this week's work

Thank you all for fine and arduous work during the workshop and inspiring discussion during the presentation on Thursday . HERE are some pics from day 3 and the review/presentation.

Below is the brief for the assignment for both groups. The BAS group will have some alternate ways to proceed, as they have a different time schedule and thus work phases.

For this week, until Thursday/Friday the BAS students are to concentrate on the following:

A/ group work:

completion i:  complete/correct material from workshop, print one copy of each (houses/ground/sections/), publish on ISSUU (consult cristian on procedures).
completion ii:  complete/ collect all material in respective "booklets"/"Folder" with green covers assorted in themes
completion iii:  complete/correct model (Elsoro part ) check for discrepancies.

B/ individual work(s):

each student to have scanned all (individual own) produced work until date as individual PDF scan (300 dpi); collect all scans (with same orientation i.e A4 portrait A3 landscape) on A4 (A3 would then be 2 A4 pages)
each student to collect all individual/own produced work until date in personal black TGR  folders and continue to do so the rest of the semester.
personal embedded space: produce 4-6 pages A4 of your personal location, as done with the site house inventory( i.e wire frame of building/situation , plan excerpt, short description, 4 photos (place /abduct) and a series of personal images.

Thursday and especially Friday will be used for group/individual consultancies. (Cristian present Thursday, Thomas both days)

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