Saturday 7 December 2013

last week(end) before final presentations

Enjoy the last week(end) of the SandvikensExtrasUrban project. Try to re-view most of your material from the course, and scann all those A4 and A3 works into a continuous .pdf file. (you are also welcome to divide that material up into more than one .pdf /or divide the material up in chapters/sequenses, for more coherent understandings.
NOTE that this material is considered compulsory, and will be requested before your presentation.

Remember that the course is an urban course, so do not spend much time in the last week designing new complex interiors or other new fancy/arty installation in the last minute. Keep the overall urban view(s) on how the site (and the buildings) merge into a new coherent whole context, that also includes architectural material about your personal embedded space. All the work(s) from the course should be considered and should be testimonials of each project urban architectural discourse for Sandviken.

While it is expected that all projects would include an overal map of sandviken before and after, the various scopes of each project might be quite different and thus allow for different strategies for each of the participants.

It is expected that most works should be finished by late tuesday /early wednsday. The day before presenattions should be used for pin-ups and for manufacturing of eventual PP presentations. Remember to give the projects a title and subtitle and include a descriptive text of about 100 - 200 words.

More on the procedures and schedule of presentation(s) in a blogpost early next week.

In the meantime: HERE are some picts from week 49.

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